Online Reviews
Brought to you by: Doctor Duplicator
If I could show you a way to double or even triple
the money you make from any affiliate product
(physical or digital), would you be interested?
It's been said, "A picture is worth a thousand words",
but I believe that a video is worth a thousand pictures.
Let me prove the point with an example:
Suppose you had joined an affiliate program for a site that sells bicycles. You could write some text that describes the fun of riding a bicycle and some of your prospects might visit the site.
Don't you think that more prospects would visit the site if you had a photograph like this showing a bicycle?
That entire web page was created and uploaded to my site in less than one minute!
The video is branded with my affiliate link and the page invites people to opt-in to my mailing list, so that they can automatically receive my autoresponder series of follow-up emails.
Dear Internet Entrepreneur,
This is NOT just another web page telling you that "video is hot".
I know that you ALREADY know that, so I won’t waste your time trying to convince you of something you are well aware of...
However, what I have to show you about video is very different than what you’ve been told and it will change how you think about marketing with video from this point on.
It’s not your fault, but you’ve been leaving commissions on the table unknowingly and I have to break some news to you that’s a little shocking...
Affiliate Marketers Have Been Kept Out-of-the-Loop
And Prevented From Prospering With Online Video!
You heard me correctly...
Up to this point, video has been for the makers of the videos who control them and show them to put money into their own pockets -- only.
I'm sure you've seen videos embedded on sales pages, or linked from them. Those videos were created by the product vendors to promote and/or demonstrate their products, BUT as an affiliate you could not use those videos as a marketing tool BECAUSE there was no way to make sales commissions directly from them.
That one important element was left out of the video puzzle for some reason. There was no concrete way for you to refer a sale by simply showing a video - UNTIL NOW.
In the marketing world, a lot of videos are still being used as "testimonials or talking head presentations" up to this point...
But that's not nearly the full potential of using online video - not even close.
In fact, market tests prove that using targeted video pages helps focus the viewer 100% on the message and the content.
Are you ready to stake your claim in the lucrative growing market of online video? Maybe you already know how time-consuming it is to create your own videos, and the product vendors who create videos only show them for their own use (not for their affiliates!).
Up to now you were correct in thinking just that, and your only choices were to invest a lot of time and money in learning to run expensive video tools...
OR just plain lose out on this monumental opportunity all together...
But with Easy Affiliate Video, huge video powered commissions await you... and you DON'T even have to create your own videos or mess with difficult Flash files or HTML programs, BECAUSE all you have to do is click a few buttons and my new software does the rest.
Unlike other people's attempts to incorporate videos into marketing, there's NO distractions to the viewer when you use my video strategy. There are no unwanted outside links or running text, which tend to distract the visitor, and leech away from your sales.
Instead, my highly targeted pages provide only the video, active links of your choice, and an optional automatic redirect that leads directly to the sales letter or order form. Testing has shown that THIS strategy is extremely effective!
So, if you're going to send visitors to a video page, then why not use a super focused video page with a built-in call to action. A page that not only "Tells" but also "Pre-Sells", leading viewers exactly to where you want them to go.
In other words, instead of merely sending visitors to a "presentation", you're sending them to a sales-driving, commission earning machine!
With Easy Affiliate Video, affiliate marketing meets video dead-on and puts this new powerful method directly into YOUR hands.
Now YOU can use online video for REAL profit!
With the ocean of online videos being created everyday, you have access to an endless supply of video content that's ready to help you make fat commissions when people buy after viewing your branded video pages!
When I understood this principal I went and got permission to test some videos using my newly developed Easy Affiliate Video software. Soon my eyes were popping wide open watching sales pour in, simply by BRANDING the product videos with my own affiliate link!
All I had to do was SHOW the video, and when the viewers went to the site to buy the product, the sale was MINE!
I didn’t even create the videos, but was paid a handsome commission just by letting people watch them. Many bought the products exhibited in the video and the sale went through MY AFFILIATE LINK which was branded along with the video.
The full benefit of using video was now in my control which allowed me to make more money, and the vendors were thrilled that I was able to use their videos to drive more sales of their products.
After all, what product vendor wouldn't want their affiliates making more sales?
Essentially the vendors are getting more bang for their buck by allowing their affiliates to leverage the work that has already been done creating product videos.
Since it's such a win-win, it's EASY to get permission to use a vendor's video, which means you'll have a huge pool of products and videos to choose from.
Want Proof?
Case Study #1
Eric Holmlund discovered this strategy back in March of 2006, when he become an affiliate of a program called Secret Article Converter. He found that the demonstration video on the sales page was a powerful piece of evidence, and he knew that if people watched it they'd be sold on it. The problem was that the video was just one little link on the sales page, and visitors had to go through a squeeze page just to get to the sales page. So Eric set up his own page simply with the video and his affiliate link.
Instead of sending referrals directly to his affiliate link (in which case they might not even see the sales page, let alone the video), he sent them to his video page to make it 100% certain that they would see the video (and keep in mind that Eric did NOT make the video himself... it was already made by the vendor). He became one of their top affiliates, and has received a commission check from Secret Article Converter every month since then.
Commissions: $7,429.75 and counting
Case Study #2
When Eric promoted a program called CB Niche Builder, he once again found that the demonstration video was an excellent sales tool.
Commissions: $2,347.00
Case Study #3
I have a lot of good case studies; here is a cool study in which I used a vendor's video to promote Competition Dominator... It all started with a short email I received from one of my list members who wrote:
"> Help! The Link for the Competition Dominator video
> does not play."
What was happening is something common that happens when vendors show a video on their webpage; the video gets over-loaded when too many site visitors are trying to play it.
Come to think of it, if more affiliates would show videos on their own sites it would probably eliminate most of the "launch day server crashes" I've seen in the past year.
I knew people really wanted to see this video but they couldn't and he was losing commissions fast unless he did something for them.
So, as an affiliate for the product he contacted the vendor, and got permission to use the video.
In fact, he used the first version of Easy Affiliate Video (the test model) to see if it would save the day and he was able to download the video and brand it with his own affiliate link, and that was the big test to see if the link would work and sales would convert by showing a video at his site.
It paid off, and it continues to be a killer strategy every time he uses it.
Commissions: $4,890.87
I have many more case studies, and I've made much more commissions than I've mentioned on this page, but I'm NOT here to brag about our income. Besides, I think you get the point.
This simple system really works, and it can work for you too.
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