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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Supplementation For Maximum Growth - Part 2
On this installment, we will cover supplements that once can add to the basic ones described on Part 1 of this article. The addition of these supplements will depend on what your goals are, how serious you are about your training, and what your supplements budget looks like.
Performance Enhancing Supplements
(Highly Recommended for the Serious Trainer)
These are the kind of supplements that you take if you are really serious about your training, and if you can afford them.
1 - Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine is a metabolite produced in the body composed of three amino acids: l-methionine, l-arginine and l-glycine. Approximately 95% of the concentration is found in skeletal muscle in two forms: creatine phosphate and free chemically unbound creatine.
The remaining 5% of the creatine stored in the body is found in the brain, heart and testes. The body of a sedentary person metabolizes and average of 2 grams of creatine a day. Bodybuilders due to their high intensity training metabolize higher amounts than that.
Creatine is generally found in red meats, and to some extent, in certain types of fish. However it would be hard to get the amount of creatine necessary for performance enhancement as even though 2.2lbs of red meat or tuna contain approximately between 4 to 5 grams of creatine, the compound is destroyed with cooking. Therefore, the best way to get creatine is by taking it in powder form.
How Does It Work?
While there is still much debate as to how creatine exerts its performance enhancing benefits, it is commonly accepted by now that most of its effects are due to two mechanisms:
1. Intra-cellular water retention.
2. Creatine's ability to enhance ATP production.
Basically, once the creatine is stored inside the muscle cell, it attracts the water surrounding such cell thereby enlarging it. This super hydrated state of the cell causes nice side effects such as the increase of strength and it also gives the appearance of a fuller muscle. Some studies suggest that a super hydrated cell may also trigger protein synthesis and minimize catabolism.
In addition, creatine provides for faster recovery in between sets and increased tolerance to high volume work. The way it does this is by enhancing the body's ability to produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the compound that your muscles use for fuel whenever they contract.
ATP provides its energy by releasing one of its phosphate molecules (it has three phosphate molecules). After the release of such molecule, ATP becomes ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) as it now only has two molecules.
The problem is that after 10 seconds of contraction time the ATP fuel extinguishes and in order to support further muscle contraction glycolysis (glycogen burning) has to kick in. That is fine and well except for the fact that as a byproduct of that mechanism lactic acid is produced.
Lactic acid is what causes the burning sensation at the end of the set. When too much lactic acid is produced, your muscle contractions stop, thereby forcing you to stop the set. However, by taking creatine, you can extend the 10 second limit of your ATP system as creatine provides ADP the phosphate molecule that it is missing (recall that creatine is stored in the muscle as creatine phosphate).
By upgrading your body's ability of regenerating ATP, you can exercise longer and harder as you will minimize your lactic acid production and you will be able to take your sets to the next level and reduce fatigue levels. More volume, strength and recovery equals more muscle (assuming nutrition and rest are dialed in).
Creatine also seems to also allow for better pumps during a workout. This may be due to the fact that it possibly improves glycogen synthesis. In addition, studies have shown that creatine helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The mechanisms by which it exerts such benefits remain unknown.
In my own experimentation with creatine I have found that provided your training, rest and nutrition are in order, you will get results out of it.
Creatine Super Feature
This will be an introduction and first of seven parts regarding misinformation surrounding the very well known supplement, Creatine. See what the experts have to say. Can they clear up the confusion?
[ Learn More ]
How To Use It
If you read the bottle, most companies recommend a loading phase of 20 grams for 5 days and 5-10 grams thereafter.
While that is the commonly accepted way to use it, in my own experimentation I have found no benefit to loading. I have even gone as far as loading for 7 days with 40 grams a day and found no difference.
There is only so much creatine that the body can store. Recall that the creatine is stored every time that you take it.
So by taking it every day before and after the workout, eventually, you will reach the upper levels that provide the performance enhancement.
After you reach that level, you could get away with just taking it on your weight training days as it takes two weeks of no use for the body's creatine levels to get back to normal.
Another point to talk about is the issue of cycling creatine. If creatine would be a supplement that loses its effectiveness as time goes by then I would recommend cycling.
For example, it was beneficial to cycle fat burning supplements containing caffeine and ephedrine as the body's receptors began to attenuate after 2 to 3 weeks of continual use. Once the body would get used to them, you needed to either increase the dosage or stop their use so that the body begins to respond once again. However, that is not the way that creatine works.
Basically, creatine gets stored into your muscles and you get the effects mentioned above, period. It is really straightforward. As far as the initial weight gain that you may experience when you start taking it, whether you cycle it or not, you will get the same amount of initial weight gain as that extra weight is determined by the amount of intracellular fluid retention that your muscle cells can store (something that remains a static figure).
The reason I say "the weight gain that you may experience" is because if once you start taking it you concurrently increase the volume of your workouts and remain at the same caloric intake level you may lose fat as you gain your added muscle volume and because of that the scale might not register any weight gain (this is what happened to my training partner).
However, the lack of "registered" initial weight gain by the scale does not mean that you are a "non-responder". To gauge creatine's efficacy on you judge it by the muscle appearance effects and the performance enhancement in the gym.
Side Effects
The only adverse side effect that I have experienced in my over two years of continual use is the gastric upset at the beginning of use. After a couple of weeks or so my system adapted to absorbing the powder. Other than that, I have not observed any other side effects. Keep in mind however that the liver and kidneys have to process this compound.
Therefore, I would not recommend it for someone with kidney problems or liver problems. Also, even if you are completely healthy ensure more than adequate hydration levels (bodyweight x 0.66 = total ounces of water to drink per day) and if you drink coffee, add an extra 16 ounces of water for every cup that you drink over the day.
A side effect that I have read happened, but I am unable to quantify, is the fact that your body's production of creatine shuts down. However, after cessation of use, according to all of the literature your body's production kicks in again. No adverse effects have been documented due to the creatine shutdown created by the body.
Good Brands
Good brands of creatine that I have used are:
* Prolab
* Champion Nutrition
* Labrada
* Beverly International
* Met-Rx
[ View All Creatine Monohydrate Products ]
2 - Glutamine
L-Glutamine the most abundant amino acid in muscle cells. It is released from the muscle during times of stress (such as hard weight training workouts) and dieting. This amino acid not only has been shown to be a great anti-catabolic agent (protects the muscle from the catabolic activities of the hormone cortisol), to be a contributor to muscle cell volume, and to have immune system enhancing properties but also to help in the following ways:
* Regulation of protein synthesis (this is one of the ways in which steroids exert their muscle building effects).
* Accelerating glycogen synthesis after a workout.
* Sparing the use of the glycogen stored in the muscle cell (recall that the glycogen stored in the muscle cell is what gives the cell the healthy volume and firmness that you seek).
* Faster recuperation from weight training workouts.
How To Use It
Due to its anti-catabolic properties and the fact that it accelerates glycogen synthesis after a workout, glutamine is best taken 20-30 minutes after a workout with a protein shake.
On days that you don't workout, just take it with your last protein shake of the day. While there is much debate amongst experts as far as dosage is concerned, I always like to remain on the conservative side.
Therefore, I feel that 3-5 grams is a sufficient dosage to start with and as your stomach gets used to it you can increase it to as much as 10-15 grams.
As far as cycling this supplement, there is no evidence that suggests cycling would improve its efficacy.
Side Effects
As far as side effects we only experienced a slight stomach discomfort during the first week of use (I took the straight powder form). Other than that, I did not experience any other side effects while using the compound and I have not found any literature that links its use to anything bad.
As usual, we recommend that you start with a low dosage (such as only 3 grams a day) in order to assess your tolerance. From there you can build up to 10-15 grams.
By looking at the effects that this supplement can provide you with, along with the fact that these days it can be purchased for a very cheap price, we wonder why more athletes don't use it. This is especially important during dieting, as a way to protect the muscle from being cannibalized by the effects of cortisol.
Good Brands
On a final note, please remember that like any supplement you need to stick to high quality brands.
Good brands of Glutamine that I have used are:
* Prolab
* Champion Nutrition
* Beverly International
* Met-Rx
* Labrada
[ View All Glutamine Products ]
Testosterone Boosting Supplements
(Not Recommended for Teenagers)
These are the type of supplements that you can take if you plan to compete, if you have the budget to try them, and only if you are older than 25 when the hormonal production begins to decline. Teenagers, in my opinion, should stay away from any supplement that has an effect on hormonal levels as there is no need to upset a teens delicate hormonal balance.
Besides, teenagers produce approximately the equivalent of a 300 mg shot of testosterone per week anyway so there is no need to attempt to increase the production of testosterone in a system that is already producing at peak levels.
The efficacy of some of these supplements is still under debate by some of the experts in the field, but in my opinion as a competitive athlete I have seen an edge by using them. Also, I would like to mention that by increasing your hormonal levels you may experience some acne and slightly increased aggression. Finally, if you have a propensity for male pattern baldness and/or an increased prostate you should monitor these things if you still decide to use some of these products.
1 - ZMA
A scientifically designed anabolic mineral formula. This formula consists of Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and vitamin B-6.
This all-natural product has been clinically proven to significantly increase anabolic hormone levels and muscle strength in trained athletes. Hard training athletes typically deplete the body from these essential minerals.
Studies have shown that supplementing with 30mg of Zinc and 450mg of Magnesium per day can elevate testosterone levels up to 30%!
Due to the fact that ZMA consists of two minerals and a vitamin B, teenagers can safely use this product.
[ View Top Selling ZMA Products. ]
2 - Tribulus Terrestris
A Bulgarian herb that tends to increase both free and total testosterone levels enhancing, as a result, your sex drive and muscle building capabilities. It is believed that it exerts its effects through an increase in Luteninizing hormone (LH) levels, a hormone which in turn signals the body to increase its testosterone production.
In addition, this herb has been used for centuries for ailments such as headaches, premature ejaculation, water retention, and dizziness. Also, some research indicates that it has properties that enable it to protect the liver and the cardiovascular system as well.
I get this herb from a product produced by Biotest labs called Tribex. This product also contains a very useful herb called Avena Sativa, which we will discuss below.
[ View Top Selling Tribulus Terrestris Products. ]
3 - Avena Sativa
Avena Sativa, better known as wild oat, is an annual grass, which is cultivated for its edible grain. It has the effect of increasing free testosterone levels (the testosterone that can be used by the body).
While the mechanism under which it exerts this benefit is not clear, it is suspected that it occurs through an increase in LH levels, just like Tribulus. Because there seems to be a synergism between Tribulus and Avena Sativa, Biotest Labs included both herbs in their product Tribex.
I take in 3 capsules twice a day on an empty stomach only from Monday through Friday.
[ View Top Selling Avena Sativa Products. ]
4 - Red-Kat
This is another product produced by Biotest Laboratories. It is another hormone free formula designed to increase the free testosterone levels in males. The formula is based on Eurycoma Longifolia Jack and Sclaremax. Eurycoma Longifolia Jack is a plant reputed to have aphrodisiac properties. It is commonly known as Tongkat Ali in Malaysia.
5 - 6-OXO
6-OXO, which is short for 3,6,17-androstenetrione, is a very powerful androgen metabolite that increases testosterone levels naturally through a suppression of estrogen levels (the hormone that females produce in high amounts and that gives them their female characteristics).
Believe it or not, males produce this hormone as well, mainly through the work of the aromatase enzyme which aromatizes (converts) the testosterone we produce into estrogen.
[ View Top Selling Anti-Estrogen Products. ]
Fat Burning Stacks
Before I discuss my favorite stacks for fat burning, keep in mind that in order to lose fat, one needs to follow a nutrition plan and workout program that is designed for that. Otherwise, these supplements will exert very little effects on your body composition. If you need help designing a program, be sure to check out my article Hugos Rules For Getting Lean In 8 Weeks.
Stack 1 - Good For People Sensitive To Stimulants
1 - Metabolic Thyrolean From Prolab:
When you go on a caloric restricted diet, your metabolism begins to slow down in an effort to maintain homeostasis (constant state) in the body.
The body accomplishes this through a reduction in active thyroid (T3) production and through a reduction of certain neurotransmitters in the brain like epinephrine and norepinephrine which play a role in keeping our metabolic rate high.
Metabolic Thyrolean is stimulant free so it can be used year-round. I like to take 3 caps twice a day, first thing in the morning and then at around 3pm, when I take my thermogenics of choice.
2 - Hot Rox From Biotest:
Hot Rox delivers six compounds that were stacked to increase thyroid levels naturally while maximizing fat mobilization, appetite suppression and mood enhancement; all things that contribute to the successful loss of body fat while keeping the energy levels optimal.
I've stacked it with the Metabolic Thyrolean with good results and since I like stimulants, I take a 200mg tablet of Prolab Caffeine along with it. So in other words, my stack consists of 1 tablet of Prolab caffeine, 2 caps of Hot Rox and 3 Metabolic Thyoleans twice a day (1st thing in the morning and at around 3pm).
Because the formula does not down regulate your beta adrenergic receptors (these are the receptors where stimulants like caffeine and ephedrine operate at) the formula can be used year round as well.
Stack 2 - Good For People That Love Stimulants
1 - Lipo-6 From NUTREX:
Lipo-6 formula is a combination of several stimulants, which work by increasing your metabolism by stimulating an increase in noradrenaline.
Once noradrenaline binds to the adrenoreceptors in the fat cells, a chain of chemical reactions occur (I won't bore you with the details) that result in the liberation of fatty acids (fat loss).
In addition, this formula contains guggulsterones, which help support healthy thyroid metabolism and bioperine which aids in increasing the absorption of nutrients and thus enhancing the effectiveness of the formula.
I like this product the most because it utilizes the HCL forms of the ingredients (as opposed to herbal forms) and in addition, it comes in a liquid capsule that releases the ingredients faster into the bloodstream. This is a strong thermogenic!
2 - Thyrocuts II From S.A.N:
Thyrocuts II is an actual form of thyroid (T2), which when taken, has a less adverse effect on the body's own thyroid production (it does not shut it down as badly as prescription T3), and penetrates into the inner membrane of brown-fat tissue and uncouples it.
3 - Metabolic Thyrolean From Prolab:
This product is also useful for this stack, and I particularly like to include it here to protect from any small thyroid shutdown that may occur from supplementing with T2.
The way I take this stack is a serving of Lipo 6 first thing in the morning and at around 3pm along with 3 caps of Metabolic Thyrolean and 1 cap of Thyrocuts II.
I do not use this stack for more than 6 weeks as the body begins to get used to the stimulant based thermogenics after this period and also to prevent the body from getting used to needing T2 supplementation. After 6 weeks of use, I go to Stack #1 and stay on that one for at least 8 weeks before using Stack #2 again.
Pre Workout Supplements
When training for mass gains there are a couple of supplements that I alternate every month that have proven to deliver results in the form of more focus, energy and intensity in the gym along with faster recuperation in between sets and workouts:
1 - Labrada Super Charge
I take a serving of super charge 15-20 minutes before my workout when building mass and believe me that once it kicks in you feel it! Super charge has a variety of ingredients that enhance energy, strength, endurance, focus and recovery. If you have the money it is certainly worth a try.
2 - BSN NO-Xplode
Once I finish up with a can of the Super Charge then I switch to NO-Xplode. The goal of this formula is also to increase your focus, energy, pump and intensity in the gym.
You won't be disappointed with the results you will get.
Supplement Recommendations Summary
1 - Essential To Take
* Multivitamin/mineral complex taken with breakfast.
* Essential oils and monounsaturated oils as per nutrition section.
* 1 gram vitamin C taken with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
* Weight gain, whey protein powder or meal replacement powder for mixing with skim milk or water in order to make protein shakes.
* 200mcg of chromium picolinate taken with protein shake after the workout.
2 - Highly Recommended
(Only Useful If You Are Really Pushing Your Workouts To The Limit.)
# 2.5 grams of creatine before and after the workout.
# 3 grams of glutamine after the workout or at night-time before bed on non-workout days.
For Over 25 Year Old Trainees Who wish To Increase Testosterone Levels.)
# ZMA (1 serving with evening meal)
# Metabolic Diet TestoBoost (Four tablets per day. Can be taken at one time or two tablets twice a day, before training and/or before bed.)
# Nutrabolics HydroTest (With the enclosed oral syringe, dispense 6ml of HydroTest into mouth and swallow solution. HydroTest should be taken 15 minutes prior to training. For heavier training and competition, take a second serving of HydroTest upon waking.)
# 6-OXO (3 capsules at night every day)
There is no need to take all of these testosterone-boosting supplements at the same time. You could get great benefit from doing 6 weeks of one, 6 weeks of another and so on. But if you have the finances to use them all there is no adverse effects from doing so.
3 - Fat Burning Supplements
(To Be Used When Losing Fat Is The Main Goal.)
Stack #1
* Prolabs Metabolic Thyrolean (3 caps first thing in the morning and around 3pm)
* Biotests Hot Rox (2 caps first thing in the morning and around 3pm)
Stack #2
* Nutrexs Lipo-6 (2 caps first thing in the morning and around 3pm)
* SANs ThyroCuts II (1 cap first thing in the morning and around 3pm)
* Prolabs Metabolic Thyrolean (3 caps first thing in the morning and around 3pm)
4 - Pre-Workout Supplements
Labrada Super Charge one month alternated with
BSNs NO-Xplode the next.
I hope that this article has cleared the confusion as to what supplements to take. The key point that I want you to remember and I cannot emphasize enough is that the most important variables for making gains are your training, nutrition and recovery.
Once you have these variables dialed in then you will be amazed at the gains that you can make once you add the right supplements into your training program.
About The Author
Hugo Rivera is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, Sports Nutrition Specialist and Computer Engineer graduate from the University of South Florida. Hugo is owner of, an informational, free fitness and nutrition website.
Hugo is author of a self published bodybuilding e-book called Body Re-Engineering geared towards the natural bodybuilder and co-author of one of the most popular Men's Health book in the country (according to Barnes and Noble) called The "BodySculpting Bible for Men" and the very popular "BodySculpting Bible for Women".
Hugo also just released his new book called The Hardgainer's Handbook of Bodybuilding in March 2005 and also serves as a nutrition consultant to several professional football players and other elite athletes. Hugo serves as business consultant to many personal training studios as well and offers personalized diet and training programs through his website.
Hugo continues to publish several articles on the subject of health and nutrition in several magazines and websites and has been with Prolab Nutrition for over three years. Hugo competes as drug free NPC athlete at the National Level and his core supplementation has always consisted of Prolab products.
All rights reserved. Learn more at
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Supplementation For Maximum Growth - Part 1
Not all supplements are created equal. In addition without a sound training and nutrition plan many supplements will not help. Find out here what the different categories of supplements are and which ones you need to use at all times.
When it comes to gaining muscle, most people think that supplements are the most important part of the equation. However, this could not be any further from the truth.
Supplements are just additions to an already good nutrition and training program. Nutrition and training are the most important components of a bodybuilding program, with rest and recovery next to them. Once all of those aspects of your program are maximized, then you can start thinking of adding supplements to your program.
Please understand that supplements do not make up for improper training, or lack thereof, or a low quality diet. Supplements only work when your diet and your training program are optimal.
Why Use Supplements?
Nutritional supplements are good because they prevent us from getting any nutritional deficiencies. The increased activity levels from your new exercise program will make your body have greater demands for vitamins and minerals, which will increase the probability of you suffering a deficiency without supplementation. Even a slight nutrient deficiency can sabotage muscle growth.
Can't we get all the nutrients we need from food alone? We cannot rely solely on food nowadays to provide us with all the vitamins and minerals that our body needs because the processing of foods before they get to the supermarket, cooking, air, and even light have already robbed your foods of most of the vitamins that they have to offer. If you are deficient in one or more nutrients your body may not be able to build muscle and burn fat properly.
Not all supplements are created equal though. Some your body always needs, others are more dependent upon what your goals are and what your budget looks like. Below you will learn what the different categories of supplements are and which ones you need to use at all times:
Basic Supplements
These are the supplements that you always need year round in order to gain muscle. If you have a limited budget, these are the only ones that you need to concern yourself with.
1 - Multiple Vitamin And Mineral Formula
Essential to insure that your body will operate at maximum efficiency. Why? Because on a very simplistic level, without vitamins and minerals it is impossible to covert the food that we eat into hormones, tissues and energy.
Vitamins are organic compounds (produced by both animals and vegetables)
whose function is to enhance the actions of proteins that cause chemical
reactions such as muscle building, fat burning and energy production. There
are two types of vitamins:
1. Fat soluble vitamins - they get stored in fat and therefore if taken in
excessive amounts will become toxic such as A, D, E, and K.
2. Water soluble vitamins - they are not stored in the body such as the
B-Complex and Vitamin C.
[ View All Vitamins ]
Minerals are inorganic compounds (not produced by either animals or vegetables). Their main function is to assure that your brain receives the correct signals from the body, balance of fluids, muscular contractions and energy production as well as for the building of muscle and bones. There are two types of minerals:
3. Bulk minerals - Which are called this way as the body needs them in great
quantities in the order of grams such as Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.
4. Trace minerals - Which are needed by the body in minute amounts, usually in the order of micrograms such as chromium, copper, cobalt, silicon, selenium, iron and zinc.
[ View All Minerals ]
Where Can You Get Vitamins and Minerals From?
I like simplicity and because of that I tend to get most of my vitamins and minerals from multiple vitamin/mineral packs.
You have to be very careful with what type of vitamin and mineral formulas you choose as some don't always contain what the labels claim (thanks to unscrupulous manufacturers) and some come from such poor sources that they are not absorbed very well by the body.
Other Reputable Companies On The Market That I Have Used Include:
• Twinlabs
• Weider
• Labrada
• Shiff
• Optimum Nutrition
• Advanced Nutrition
• Higher Power Nutrition
• Champion Nutrition
2 - Protein Supplements
Because of hectic schedules it is impossible to eat the six perfectly balanced meals that are required to get in shape a day. Therefore, these supplements can be used as "fast food". They are easy to prepare (if it is a protein bar then no preparation is required) and most of the formulas that are available on the market today pay close attention to taste.
Having said that, there are many categories of protein supplements, so we will cover each category and discuss the correct way to use them. However, before we cover the different categories of protein supplements, let's talk about the different sources of protein found in these supplements.
Protein Sources
There are many sources of protein from which protein powders or bars are made of. Protein quality is measured by Biological Value (BV). BV is a value that measures how well the body can absorb and utilize a protein. The higher the Biological Value of the protein you use, the more nitrogen your body can absorb, use, and retain.
As a result, proteins with the highest BV promote the most lean muscle gains. Whey protein has the highest BV value, rating at 104. Egg protein is only second to whey rating as a 100 with milk proteins being a close third rating as 91. Beef rates as an 80 with soy proteins a distant 74. Bean proteins, due to the fact that are plant-based proteins, only rate a 49.
Now that we have discussed BV values, let's discuss each protein source in more detail.
Whey Proteins (Whey Concentrate/Whey Isolate)
I feel that whey protein is a great protein source for the following reasons shown in a growing number of studies:
1. It improves sports performance because it reduces stress and lowers cortisol levels (hormone that destroys muscle).
2. Improved immunity by increasing glutathione (GSH), which is a water soluble antioxidant found in the body.
3. Improved liver function in some forms of hepatitis.
4. Reduces blood pressure.
5. Can help fight HIV.
6. Helps reduce overtraining (which is linked also to low levels of GSH).
In addition to the above, we need to mention that whey proteins are highly digestible and have a better amino acid profile even than egg whites. So in other words, whey protein has the highest biological value (value that measures how well the body can absorb and utilize a protein) of any protein.
Having said this, whey is not the steroid-like substance that many advertisers would like you to believe, but based on the research I've looked at and on my own use of the product; I feel it is a valuable addition to one's diet for the reasons outlined above.
Also, you need to understand that all whey is not created equal. The whey that will give you the benefits described above has to be micro-filtered. Otherwise, it is just the garbage left after pasteurizing milk. Micro-filtration than has to be done at very low temperatures in order to allow for the production of high protein contents with no undenatured protein, minimum fat, minimum cholesterol and minimum lactose.
Isolates & Concentrates
In addition, there are whey isolates and whey concentrates. Whey isolates are sub-fractions of whey that are absorbed much more rapidly into the system. This is a good thing for post workout nutrition as at this time the body is in dire need of amino acids.
However, whey isolate makes a poor choice for during the day supplementation as if the body does not have a need for all of the amino acids that are released into the bloodstream, then it will use them for energy production as opposed to muscle building.
Also, it is important to mention that whey isolate does not have many of the health enhancing properties that are described above, as the expensive process required to produce whey isolate destroys many of the health/immune system enhancing sub-fractions such as the lactoferrins, beta-lactoglobulins, and immuno-globulins.
Therefore, for during the day use, a product consisting mainly of whey concentrate is your best bet while for after the workout, a whey isolate product would be a better choice.
[ View Top Selling Whey Concentrate Products ]
[ View Top Selling Whey Isolate Products ]
Egg Protein
Egg protein is a super bio-available protein second only to whey, as previously discussed. It is a slower released protein than whey, which makes it perfect for throughout the day use.
One thing that I like to do is mix some egg and whey protein for the most bio-available protein shake in the planet!
[ View Top Selling Egg Proteins ]
Milk Proteins (Calcium Casseinate/Miscellar Casein)
Milk proteins, just like egg proteins, are a highly bio-available protein source (slightly less BV than egg) that is slowly released into the blood stream.
Calcium Casseinate & Miscellar Casein
Calcium Casseinate is the regular protein that is found in regular milk and other dairy products.
A property of micellar casein is that it may have the ability to provide a steady release of amino acids into the blood stream, which makes it an excellent choice for a long lasting anti-catabolic (muscle protecting) protein.
[ View Top Selling Miscellar Casein Proteins ]
Beef Proteins
Beef proteins are slow released proteins that rate an 80 on the BV scale. While I don't know of any protein supplement in powder on the market that is made from beef proteins, there are beef liver tablets out there that do provide the benefits from beef proteins.
Beef proteins are abundant in blood building iron and also on B-vitamins, all factors that contribute to better nutrient utilization and energy production.
[ View Top Selling Dessicated Liver Proteins ]
Soy Proteins
Soy has been shown to exhibit positive health benefits for both men and women. Studies have shown they may reduce the risk of hormone-dependent cancers (breast, prostate, etc), and other cancers as well. Soy's primary health benefits include reducing high cholesterol and easing the symptoms of menopause (due to the fact that it contains estrogen like substances called phyto-estrogens).
Soy has also been shown to help with osteoporosis by building up bone mass. Because of this, I like to recommend 1 serving of soy protein per day for women but only for its health benefits.
However, in the muscle building department, I don't feel that soy is very useful, especially for men. First of all, its BV value is a distant 49, and second of all, since it has estrogen like substances, it could potentially reduce the utilization of testosterone through the binding of phyto-estrogens to the testosterone receptors.
[ View Top Selling Soy Protein ]
Protein Supplements
Now that we have covered the main proteins present in protein supplements, lets discuss the different types of protein supplements on the market.
Weight Gainers
Weight gainers are protein shakes whose protein source consists mainly of whey proteins (mostly concentrate with some isolate as well). Some also include other proteins such as milk proteins and/or egg. These products are characterized by their extremely high carbohydrate content; typically in the form of maltodextrin (a high glycemic complex carb) and fructose (simple sugar originating from fruits).
Weight gainers were very popular back in the 90s but their popularity has died mainly because most people do not have the fast metabolism of a hardgainer; so as a result, a high carbohydrate diet applied on a person with over 10% body fat typically leads mostly to fat gains instead of muscle mass gains. For hardgainers however, and bodybuilders who are below 10% body fat, these products be very useful for getting in the amount of quality calories required to gain quality muscle.
They are best when used for the mid-morning, mid-afternoon and post workout meals as the carbohydrate content is of a fast released nature. They can be mixed with fruit juice or skim milk, and in order to increase the calorie content the use of flaxseed oil and fruits is invaluable.
• Prolab's N-Large II (the most popular one on the market)
• Beverly International's Mass Maker
• Twinlab's Gainers Fuel 2500
• Champion Nutrition's Heavyweight Gainer 900
• Weider's Mega Mass 4000
• Clark Bartram's X-Treme Size
• EAS Mass Factor
This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but rather a list of the products that I know are good. The fact that a product is not on this list does not mean that it is not a good one.
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Meal Replacement Powders (MRPs)
These powders are lower in calories due to the fact that they have way less carbohydrates than weight gainers. They were created after the realization that most of the population does not have a weight gain problem and therefore the weight gainers on the market were of little use to them.
Protein-wise, most are composed of whey proteins but there are many new formulas now on the market that consist of a protein blend of whey and milk proteins. Typically, the carbohydrate component used to be maltodextrin, yielding around 25-27 grams of carbohydrate per serving, but the newer generation formulas consist of slower released carbohydrates like brown rice and oats in order to make the product lower glycemic in nature.
Also, essential fatty acids have been added as well as a vitamin and mineral profile. While these products are too low in calories for most Hardgainers, they can use these as long as they add other ingredients such as fruit, skim milk and essential fats in order to increase the caloric base.
In addition it contains essential fats, a slow released carbohydrate matrix and a protein blend of whey proteins and miscellar casein. Other good products I like are are:
• Beverly International's Ultra Size
• Champion Nutrition's Ultramet (the vanilla flavor is excellent)
• EAS' Myoplex (though it is very hard to mix)
• Labrada's Lean Body
Any of these products can be used throughout the day in between meals or after the workout.
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Protein Powders
Protein powders are just powders that consist mainly of protein (typically whey protein is what is sold these days but you can also find blends). Typically, they contain no more than 5 grams of carbohydrates per scoop and 20-25 grams of protein (per scoop). Calorie wise they consist of anywhere from 100-125 calories.
• Prolab's Pure Whey (available now also in Cinnamon Oatmeal flavor)
• EAS MyoPro (chocolate being my favorite flavor)
• Next Nutrition Designer Protein
• IronTek's Essential Protein
The powders just mentioned are mainly whey protein concentrate. The best isolates in the market are:
• Natures Best Zero Carb Isopure
• Prolab's Isolate
My favorite blends in the market of whey proteins with slower released proteins are:
• Beverly International's Muscle Provider (whey and egg blend)
• Prolab's Protein Component
(also available in my favorite Cinnamon Oatmeal flavor)
I love protein supplements because of the many uses that they have. For instance in the morning I like to have oatmeal with Cinnamon flavored protein powder. One can also use them to add more protein to either a meal replacement powder or a weight gainer. Alternatively, one can also use them for creating a home-made weight gain formula.
So now, which protein product should you choose? If trying to gain weight then a weight gainer for sure. If you are looking to have a full meal consisting of carbs, proteins and some fats then an MRP is your best bet. If on a budget then the best way to go is to buy a 5-lb tub of protein powder.
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Protein Bars
These are bars made out of any of the protein sources listed above. The carbohydrate mix is usually a combination of glycerin (which is not really a carbohydrate but a sugar alcohol) and sugars.
They are low in calories compared to a weight gain shake and typically contain less than desirable fats. If trying to lose fat, then limit their use to once per day at the most.
If doing a competition then I would not touch them. The ones I like most in the market today are:
• Labrada's Lean Body Bars
• Met Rx Protein Plus Food Bars
• Worldwide Pure Protein Bars
• EAS' Myoplex Deluxe Bars
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Beef Liver Tablets
These tablets are a great source of beef liver and bodybuilders have been using them for decades in order to obtain the values offered by beef proteins. The key thing for liver tablets to be useful is that they need to be manufactured with the highest grade of beef liver and they also need to be purified from the fat, cholesterol and other impurities that are contained in the liver.
The way to use them is to add 3-4 tablets per meal. Each tablet adds an additional 2 grams of protein from beef liver to your meals.
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3- Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids, Alpha Linoleic Acid (Omega-3s) and Linoleic Acid (Omega-6s), are fats that need to be consumed through one's diet as the body cannot manufacture them. They are most important as they are involved in several key body functions such as energy production, fat burning, brain and nerve tissue development, mood regulation, insulin metabolism, hemoglobin production, etc.
In addition, these fats have some interesting properties such as anti-inflammatory properties, anti-lipolitic properties (prevention of extra calories being stored as fat), reduction in allergies, and immune system strengthening.
Where Can You Get EFA's From?
So having said that, where can one find EFA's? Salmon and flax seeds are high on the Omega-3s. If you do not consume any of these items, then either flax seed oil, flax seed oil capsules or fish oil capsules would be a good idea to add to your supplements program. Omega-6 fats typically do not need to be supplemented as they are easily found in poultry, eggs and whole-grain breads. Typically, one's diet is abundant on the Omega-6 but lacking on the Omega-3's.
What I like the most about this product is the fact that they added the Lipase enzyme, which helps with the absorption and digestion of the fats. This product is the only one I have ever tried where you do not end up burping the oil a few minutes after you take the capsules.
Other products I like are Serrano Labs Alpha Omega-3s, which is also an excellent product. For CLA only capsules I like Prolab's Enhanced CLA which also has some flaxseed oil in order to provide some Omega 3's.
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4- Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that improves your immune system and helps you recover faster from your workouts by suppressing the amount of cortisol (hormone that kills muscle and aids in the accumulation of fat) that is released by your body during a workout.
This is the only Vitamin that I recommend to be taken in mega doses quantities. Remember that since it is a water-soluble vitamin, it will not get stored by the body. Research shows that if taken an hour before a workout (1000mg dose) it significantly reduces muscle soreness and speeds recovery after a workout.
I recommend a total of 3000 mg per day of Vitamin C. If your multiple vitamin pack already has 1000 mg, and you take this in the morning, then all you need is an extra 1000 mg at lunch and 1000 mg at dinner.
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5- Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate is a mineral that may enhance the effects of insulin, the hormone that pushes amino acids (protein) and carbohydrates into the muscle cell. As we have previously discussed, insulin is one of the most anabolic hormones in the body; it determines if the food that you eat is going to be used for muscle production, energy production or fat production. When insulin is secreted in moderate levels, it aids in muscle and energy production.
In excessive levels it only promotes fat storage. Chromium Picolinate may upgrade insulin's capability to produce muscle and energy by making the cells in the body more prone towards accepting this hormone (in other words, enhancing insulin sensitivity). In doing so, it may help you to gain muscle and lose fat faster as insulin will now be able to deliver the desired nutrients to the muscle cell.
Chromium may also keep blood sugar levels stable, thereby preventing insulin levels from going high enough to begin promoting fat storage. Again, chromium only works if we follow a proper diet. Also, while it is not the magic bullet that it was claimed to be for building muscle back in the early 90's I still feel that it is useful for ensuring that our insulin sensitivity is at its peak.
Again, I like Higher Power's Chromium Picolinate due to the quality and awesome price.
200 mcg with the post workout meal and with breakfast on days off.
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Supplement Recommendations Summary
Essential To Take
• MultiVitamin/Mineral Complex taken with breakfast.
• Essential Oils, at least 14 grams per every 100lbs of bodyweight.
• 1 gram Vitamin C taken with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
• Weight Gain, Whey Protein Powder or Meal Replacement Powder for mixing with skim milk or water in order to make protein shakes. (Needs vary depending on diet).
Until next time, take care and train hard!
About The Author
Hugo Rivera is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, Sports Nutrition Specialist and Computer Engineer graduate from the University of South Florida. Hugo is owner of, an informational, free fitness and nutrition website.
Hugo is author of a self published bodybuilding e-book called Body Re-Engineering geared towards the natural bodybuilder and co-author of one of the most popular Men's Health book in the country (according to Barnes and Noble) called The BodySculpting Bible for Men and the very popular BodySculpting Bible for Women.
Hugo also just released his new book called The Hardgainer's Handbook of Bodybuilding in March 2005 and also serves as a nutrition consultant to several professional football players and other elite athletes. Hugo serves as business consultant to many personal training studios as well and offers personalized diet and training programs through his website.
Hugo continues to publish several articles on the subject of health and nutrition in several magazines and websites and has been with Prolab Nutrition for over three years. Hugo competes as drug free NPC athlete at the National Level and his core supplementation has always consisted of Prolab products.
All rights reserved. Learn more at
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Real Reasons Arnold's Physique Was Ahead Of Its Time
Reading about the workouts Arnold did back in the '60s and '70s is inspiring, but did you know there are loads of hidden secrets in those past routines that most bodybuilders never grasp?
We believe specific muscle-training tactics he used, either by instinct or by design, are the very reasons Arnold was the biggest bodybuilder of his era and why his physique in its prime is still outlandish even by today's freaky standards.
For the most part he was instinctively doing a lot of little things precisely right, and those details paid off big! (Some say he was even splitting muscle fibers, which is entirely possible, as you'll see in a moment.) For example, he knew how to overload the muscle at the exact spot where maximum force can occur, the point along the stroke where muscle fibers are perfectly aligned for extreme fiber activation.
It's one reason his arms were spectacularly big, full and peaked-and you should follow his lead to make your arms and other muscles more massive.
Cheat Curls
If you've read anything about his biceps training, you know that cheat curls were one of his favorite size builders. No, he didn't invent them, but he sure made them popular. He used to start his biceps program with them, heaving up massive poundage's.
Sure, a lot of people chastised him, saying he wasn't training biceps, only his lower back, but lo and behold, his biceps had sky-high peaks that made the Alps look like molehills (okay, not quite, but you get the idea).
Now, you could contend that those who belittled his cheat curls had a point. After all, Arnold did a lot of other biceps exercises too, so cheat curls may really have been training more of his lower back than his arms-but we don't think so. We believe those cheat curls may be one of the key reasons his biceps got so incredibly full and peaked. Why?
-> Max-Force Generation Point:
It's the max-force generation point we mentioned earlier-that's the place on an exercise's stroke at which the target muscle can generate the most force-and more force equals more mass.
That point, say many scientists, is the spot where the most muscle fibers are stressed to the max because they are perfectly aligned for action. So if you overload that max-force point correctly, it's where the most growth stimulation occurs.
Where is that sweet spot on the curl's stroke? Right below the point at which your elbows are bent at 90 degrees, between the bottom and the midpoint. (There has to be some stretch in the muscle for ideal fiber alignment and therefore max-force production; in fact the closer you get to full contraction, the less force you can produce because of fiber crowding and bunching.)
Now imagine Arnold doing a cheat curl. He would lean forward, bend his arms slightly and heave the heavy barbell to his shoulders. Almost all of the overload occurred right at the max-force point-between the arms-straight-position and the midpoint (see the photo).
In fact, there was hardly any resistance on his biceps any place else along the stroke. Interesting. Semi-stretched position overload. Could that be why Arnold's biceps were so majestic and he swore by cheat curls as his biceps mass exercise? It could be one of the biggest reasons.
But aren't cheat curls dangerous? Absolutely. In fact, more people probably get injured doing them than develop big biceps from the movement-but there is a solution...
Instead of doing barbell cheat curls, try cable curls. (Hold on, there's more to it-and you don't heave the weight.) First do as many strict reps as you can, shooting for 10 reps.
Cable Curl
Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Biceps
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Cable
Mechanics Type: Isolation
[ Full Description & Pics ]
When you can't do another full rep, pull the bar up to the sweet spot, right below the midpoint, and do short partial pulses till you can't stand the burn. Those X Reps will overload the key max-force point without endangering your lower back.
Why do you have to use a cable instead of a barbell? Because a cable produces more uniform resistance, without the bottom-of-the-stroke leverage issues of a barbell. (Try X-Rep power partials at the end of a set of barbell curls and you'll see what we're talking about. Impossible due to extreme resistance variations.)
Stretch-Position Overload
So was max-force-point overload all there was to putting the freak on Arnold's peaks? Not quite. While cheat curls attacked the semi-stretched point, he also favored stretch-position overload. For biceps that meant incline curls.
By reclining on a 45-degree incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand, at the bottom of the curl his biceps were in an extreme elongated state. He would fire out piston-like reps, keeping tension on his biceps throughout the stroke and blasting out of the fully stretched position-but without heaving or jerking.
-> Fiber Splitting:
It's interesting to note that recent studies have linked stretch overload to hyperplasia, or fiber splitting. One animal study triggered a 300 percent increase in one muscle that was subjected to stretch overload in only 30 days. Yes, that's tripling the size of the muscle, and the researchers suggest that a lot of the massive increase was caused by fiber splitting, as evidenced by muscle biopsies!
Arnold's Secret?
Could stretched-position overload along with max-force-point attacks be Arnold's secret weapons for incredible biceps mass? It sure looks that way, but it wasn't only his biceps that got the freaky kick from stretch overload.
-> Chest Workout:
Another example of Arnold using stretch overload is his chest workout. One of his favorite pec movements was dumbbell flyes, but he had a certain way of doing them-only moving through the bottom third of the stroke. He lowered to the bottom stretched position, but on the upward stroke he stopped the dumbbells when they were about three feet apart, immediately lowering back to the stretch. Why?
He said the short stroke kept tension on his pecs, which is true and important, but it also placed the most overload on his pecs when they were elongated, or stretched. Those partial flyes were really just rapid-fire X Reps on a stretch-position pec exercise-and no doubt one of the big reasons Arnold's pecs were so full and striated (more fiber splitting perhaps).
-> Calves:
Arnold was a master at getting the most growth activation from every set. Here's another example: Calves. When he came to the U.S., his calves were lagging behind most of his other muscle groups-till he paid a visit to one of his idols, Reg Park, a former Mr. Universe winner and a man who was a big believer in overload.
Arnold was using a few hundred pounds on his various calf raises, but when he trained with Reg, he was amazed to see his mentor pile 1,000 pounds on the calf machine and keep grinding out movement until he could barely budge the gigantic load. (Oh, and by the way, Reg's calves were huge!)
Arnold soaked up that information-and stunning visual-and immediately applied it. Soon he was using 1,000 pounds on his calf raises, and two or three guys on his back for donkey calf raises, a better stretch-position calf exercise than standing calf raises. But don't think for a minute that he stopped a set when he couldn't get all the way to the very top.
When he couldn't do anymore full reps, he would drive the weight up as high as he could, usually just barely above the bottom stretch point, and do partials till the muscle couldn't even twitch. It burned like crazy, but it worked.
Soon his calves were one of his best bodyparts (they were so good that some people accused him of having calf implants; wrong, he just instinctively knew how to train-with semistretched- and stretched-position overload).
All of that magnifies the fact that the stretched and semistretched positions of every muscle are very important for total mass stimulation. Scientists confirm that through force-generation/muscle-fiber-activation research. And who can argue with Arnold's results?
If you're neglecting stretch overload in the gym, it may be one of the biggest reasons you're not building more muscle faster. Arnold achieved semistretched- and stretched-position overload at almost every workout, and you should follow his lead (for the best stretch-position exercise for each bodypart, see The Ultimate Mass Workout e-book).
We've found that overloading a muscle at its semistretched point with X Reps-power partials similar to what Arnold used at the end of his calf raises and other exercises-can make each set two to four times more effective at building mass.
X Reps work so incredibly well because after you hit failure, you keep firing the muscle at its max-force-generation point, the key mass-building position, according to scientists. Arnold also instinctively knew to train every muscle in the fully stretched position for the fullest, most complete development possible.
Recently Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson stumbled onto a new training concept that took their muscle size, shape and density to new dimensions. Learn more about the amazing X-Reps right here!
[ Click here to learn more. ]
Was he triggering hyperplasia, or fiber splitting? It's very possible. Anyway you look at it, Arnold knew what he was doing and achieved freaky mass, even by today's eye-popping standards. The bottom line: If you want extreme mass, you gotta go for semistretched- and stretched-position overload every time you hit the gym.
We'll have more on Arnold's mass-training tactics in a future article.
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Travel the World
If you like to travel, the oil industry is definitely for you. You could visit every continent and many countries.
From darkest Africa to Australia, Europe, Asia, Russia, Middle East and of course North and South America, the oil industry opens up a whole world of travel. In fact the oil industry is probably second only to the aviation industry for worldwide travel opportunities. Even a career in shipping may not get you to as many destinations.
The offshore oil industry is one of the most interesting and exciting places to work on the planet. Your career could take you around the globe and to its every corner.
But first, we want to know more about the industry.
Oil Exploration
Oil and gas are formed from the remains of marine and plant life, mixed with water and silt millions of years ago. On the seabed layers of rock covered the mixture as the earth's plates moved. High pressure and heat from the earth's core transformed the mixture into the complex chemicals collectively known as hydrocarbons.
As this process progresses the oil and gas rise through cracks in the rocks and gradually seep naturally into the environment. Oil and gas reservoirs are created when the rising hydrocarbons are trapped by a layer of rock through which they cannot pass (impervious). They then collect and remain in the porous rocks, allowing oil companies to drill through the impervious layers and into the reservoir.
Specially equipped airplanes have been used to detect tiny variations in the earth's gravitational and magnetic pull caused by underground hydrocarbons. However, this method is only useful for detecting massive reservoirs.
The most common method of detecting potential hydrocarbon reservoirs is the seismic survey. Time differences in shock wave echoes are measured, giving information on rock formations below the surface. Powerful computer systems analyze the data and help to decide on the best places to drill. This greatly reduces the risk of drilling a dry well.
After the decision on where the best place to drill is taken, exploration-drilling vessels such as the Semi-submersible are chartered to drill test wells. If oil is found there are various tests to assess the size and shape of the discovery. They can also find out how the hydrocarbon will flow and how old it is. All this gives an indication as to how the well will perform now and also 20 years in the future. With this information a financial decision is made as to whither or not it will be profitable to extract the hydrocarbon deposits.
Oil Production
Crude Oil is refined into many component parts and has many uses apart from the obvious petrol, diesel, paraffin, bitumen for roads, etc. Every day life would be very different if it weren't for the discovery of oil. For example shampoo, cosmetics, detergents, paint, ink, plastics and many, many more owe all or some of their key ingredients to refined oil.
Production methods take different forms including the installation of a platform. This permanent fixture drills, produces, meters, stores and pumps the oil and gas. Extracting the hydrocarbon reduces the upward pressure on the layers above the reservoir. There is, therefore, a risk of the formation collapsing. To prevent this water or gas is pumped in under high pressure.
Some have satellite-mooring platforms within three miles of the main installation. Sea bed pipes link them and tankers draw the oil at these small platforms.
Others have hundreds of miles of pipe on the sea bed to land oil and gas terminals.
In some cases a number of platforms connect together to send their gas through many hundreds of miles of sea bed gas pipeline to land terminals.
Floating, Production and Storage tankers fix onto sea bed well caps to extract hydrocarbons into their storage tanks. As other tankers connect, the hydrocarbon is transferred and then delivered to land oil and gas terminals.
Rather than costly platforms the industry is moving towards advancing sub-sea technology installed and maintained by remote controlled under water vehicles.
Types of Oil Rigs
Semi Submersible
There can be over one hundred people on board and although smaller than a platform, conditions are usually good.
This type of rig makes its money by drilling a hole in the seabed then it moves to the next location. There is often an urgency to get things done quickly. With advancing technology some semi submersibles can drill in water depths over five thousand feet.
Jack Up
Drill Ship
As the name suggests this is a ship shaped drilling vessel. Unlike the semi submersible and the Jackup, it does not require tugboats to tow it to location. Although they are not as stable as semi submersibles they also drill in very deep waters.
This is usually a converted semi submersible. It is attached to a platform by a long gangway to provide extra accommodation. This, along with the usual leisure and catering facilities, is their only task. They do have a marine crew in charge of stabilizing the installation.
Floating Production & Storage Units
They are usually converted takers or purpose built units although semi submersibles have also been used. They are attached to a seabed well head and they produce and store the oil until another tanker takes it from them. They are used to produce from small wells where it would be too expensive to build a platform.
History of the Oil Industry
Petroleum or crude oil is an oily, flammable liquid that occurs naturally in deposits, most often found beneath the surface of the earth.
Over millions of years, plant and animal remains fall to the floor of shallow seas. As the seas recede, the plant material is covered by sediment layers, such as silt, sand, clay, & other plant material.
Buried deep beneath layers of rock, the organic material partially decomposes, under an absence of oxygen, into petroleum that eventually seeps into the spaces between rock layers.
As the earth's tectonic plates move, the rock is bent or warped into folds or it "breaks" along fault lines, allowing the petroleum to collect in pools.
Early Man was not unfamiliar with crude oil. In the Middle East escaping petroleum gases burned continuously, giving rise to fire worship.
Oil Industry
The oil industry began over five thousand years ago. In the Middle East, oil seeping up through the ground was used in waterproofing boats and baskets, in paints, lighting and even for medication.
Whale oil has been used in more recent times as a source of light. However, the high premium for whale oil decimated whale populations and as their numbers dropped the prices rose further.
The demand for oil was then far higher than the supply. Many companies and individuals were looking for an alternative and longer lasting source of what would later become known as black gold. Apart from a brief period of coal oil, the answer came with the development of drilling for crude oil. Land oil wells were first and as demand continued to grow exploration companies began to look below the sea bed.
The first oil well structures to be built in open waters were in the Gulf of Mexico. They were in water depths of up to 100m and constructed of a piled jacket formation, in which a framed template has piles driven through it to pin the structure to the sea bed. To this, a support frame was added the working parts of the rig such as the deck and accommodation. These structures were the fore-runners for the massive platforms that now stand in very deep water and in many locations around the world.
Clues around the coast of Greenland gave Geologists the idea that there may be oil and gas around Scottish waters.
There have been land oil wells in Europe since the 1920s. It wasn't until the 1960s that exploration in the North Sea really begun, without success in the early years. They finally struck oil in 1969 and have been discovering new fields ever since. The subsequent development of the North Sea is one of the greatest investment projects in the world.
The development of the offshore oil industry in hostile waters has been made possible by many achievements comparable with the space industry. Many fields are located far from land and they are getting further away. New fields are being explored in ever deeper and wilder waters.
After the North Sea UK disaster in 1988 when on 6 July, the North Sea Piper Alpha oil platform caught fire and exploded killing 167 of the 228 on board. The industry and the UK government waited until 1990 for the publication of the Cullen report. Lord Cullen discovered that the main cause of the explosion was the failure in the operation of the permit to work system, for which there are now very strict guidelines. This system is used to over-see work, preventing potentially dangerous work being carried out. It also prevents dangerously conflicting work being carried out by a combination of workers and it ensures that proper laid down procedures are adhered to.
The report brought about many changes and a journey towards much greater safety awareness, procedures and regulations.
Today the industry is very safety conscious. It has to be for its very survival. For example, the safety record of an exploration rig can make a big difference to whether or not an oil company will want to hire it. Oil companies cannot afford to have their name associated with accidents.
When you first arrive you are given a tour of the installation, detailing all safety aspects including fire extinguishers, emergency muster stations, lifeboat stations and procedures. You will be introduced to the rig safety programme.
Everyone attends weekly safety meetings and daily pre "tour" meetings. The weekly meeting is an in-depth look at industry wide safety news and other safety related issues on the rig. Companies share safety information with other companies throughout the industry. This helps to avoid repeated incidents. A fire and boat drill is often held on the same day which involves a mock fire and a mock abandon the rig exercise.
The pre tour meeting is usually a description of the work carried out when you are off shift, the work you will be doing, the work others are currently doing that may effect you and any other relevant issues of the day.
Accidents do happen as in every industry. However, statistics show that with the massive improvements in offshore safety procedures, you now have a higher chance of having an accident if you work in the construction industry than you do on an oil rig.
Offshore Lifestyle
When you get an offer of employment your thoughts will turn to what it is going to be like working in what will be a very strange environment for most people.
From your first trip away life will change dramatically. Not only will your starting salary be on par with middle management onshore, but you will also be living in your place of work, completely surrounded by sea, with no sight of land.
The industry has an above average staff turnover due in part to people being unable to adjust to the lifestyle. Don't get the wrong idea, working offshore is not as difficult or arduous as some think it must be, conditions have improved dramatically and are continuing to do so.
On arrival at the rig you will be issued with safety boots, hard hat, safety glasses and coveralls. You will then be given a guided tour of the whole installation. Alarms, drills and muster points among other things will be explained to you.
A positive attitude will make life offshore much more enjoyable and may increase your chances of promotion. Keep focused on why it is that you are working out there and the plus points of the job. Everyone has different reasons and goals that bring them to the offshore industry.
You will work a twelve-hour day with a break in the morning, lunchtime and afternoon. "Tea shacks" are at various places throughout the rig and at designated times filled rolls or cakes etc. are provided. For your lunch you will take off work gear and go into the galley. The food is usually very good quality with a wide selection at every mealtime. The catering crews on some rigs organize theme nights with Chinese or Mexican food making up the majority of choices on the menu.
Quiz nights may be a weekly event, often held after the safety meeting and perhaps involving a small prize.
Offshore installations operate 24 hours a day, so depending on your job you may have to do night shift. With some jobs you may have to do a combination of days and nights. There are different systems used usually dependent on helicopter arrival times and company policies. Often you will start your "trip" on day shift and then move to night shift on your final days before going home. For example if you do two weeks on-two weeks off, you may do a week of days and a week of nights.
Off shift facilities vary from rig to rig. In the past there may only have been a packet of cards and a couple of dog-eared novels as rig leisure equipment. Today most rigs have a cinema showing satellite TV and a selection of videos, which are updated regularly, others also have TVs in every room. Many have excellent gym and sauna equipment. Others have table tennis, computers with Internet link and computer game consoles.
It is a great feeling to step off a rig with two or three weeks off. Some people travel half way round the world to their work.
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