By: Lauren Brooks
Beginning a fat loss regime can be very overwhelming. There are an unlimited amount of training philosophies and diet programs to confuse you. What works for someone can have quite the opposite effect on another person. It can be an extremely frustrating process. You almost have to get your Ph.D. in Fat Loss to understand the healthiest and efficient way to look lean and feel energetic!
In part one of this article, I will share with you a sample nutrition program that has worked for myself, my clients, friends, and family members. If anyone tells you that losing fat and getting a lean physique is easy, then they are full of it!
I will tell you right away it takes hard work to change habits. But with the right program for you, motivation, and support, you can reach your goals and stay there.
Lose Fat
Build Muscle
Contest Prep
Cortisol Blocker
Immune System
Joint Health
Prevent Aging
Sexual Health
Skin Care
Sleep Aides
More Goals ...
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[ Goal Setting ]
If you have good habits to begin with, then making minor changes should not be very challenging. For those who live off of fast food and their only hobby is watching television all day long, then this program will be much more difficult.
I do not recommend anyone starting this program in full force. Gradually starting into the program will help keep you on track and let your body get use to the proper fuel being utilized. Keep in mind that this program is more based on what you put into your body and is not obsessing on counting calories.
Sample Nutrition Program.
Time/Meal Serving Size/Food/Supplements
7:30 a.m.
Breakfast: Green tea sweetened with stevia
1/3 cup of cooked rolled oats
2 scoops of protein powder (example: Fit 365
Superfood or Jay Robb or 2 cooked organic
Morning Supplements Vitamin B Complex
Cod liver oil
Super Green capsules
10:00 a.m.
Snack: Handful of almonds
½ banana or 1 apple
12:30 p.m.
Lunch: 2 cups vegetables (example: broccoli, asparagus, and carrots)
4 oz. of lean meat, poultry, or fish
1 small yam or ¾ cup squash
3:00 p.m.
Snack: 1 serving of a protein shake such as Fit 365 or Jay Robb
7:00 p.m.
Dinner: 4 oz. of lean meat, chicken or poultry. If
vegetarian, 3 organic eggs
1/3 cup brown rice, millet, or quinoa
2 cups of vegetables such as spinach, kale,
broccoli, and/or mushrooms
Evening Supplements Super Green Capsules
Enzymatic Therapy Digestive Enzymes
8:00 p.m. Cup of chamomile tea or bedtime tea to relax
This program takes out all processed foods and refined sugars. During the day water intake should be at least 8-10 full glasses of water depending on your size. The nutrition programs I design follows an exchange program. You are never supposed to be starving on this program.
Water constitutes 65% to 70% of the human body. The following list explains the many detrimental things that can happen to your body if you don't ingest enough water.
[ Click here to learn more. ]
If you feel very hungry you either waited too long to eat or did not eat enough. If you have any questions or need a nutrition program tailored to your lifestyle feel free to contact me at or go to
About The Author
Lauren Brooks is a fitness and strength trainer in San Diego, CA. Lauren earned her B.S. in Kinesiology with an Emphasis in Fitness, Nutrition, and Health from San Diego State University. Lauren is certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise, as a Russian Kettlebell Instructor by RKC, and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist.
Lauren has experience working with men and women of all ages, and all fitness levels, and has over six years of experience as a personal trainer.
For more information, check out her website, at
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